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How Well Do You Really Understand PHP Generators?

Serghei Pogor
7 min readMay 10, 2024


Alright, let’s talk about PHP generators, but we’re skipping the basics this time.

I’ve already covered that in another article, so if you’re new to generators, go check that out first.

This one’s for those ready to dive deeper.

You know, it’s funny how that goes.

When you ask most developers about PHP generators, they’ll give you the usual spiel — talk about the basics, throw around some keywords like yield and give you the lowdown on when and why they’re useful.

But here’s the kicker: ask them to explain a unique example, something they haven’t seen before, and to break down the loop process step by step?

Well, let’s just say you might be met with some blank stares. It’s not that they don’t know what PHP generators are or why they’re beneficial.

It’s more like they know the surface-level stuff, but when it comes to the nitty-gritty inner workings, it’s a bit of a blind spot.

When we use a PHP generator, we’re essentially creating an iterator that produces values on-the-fly, rather than storing them all in memory at once. This is accomplished through a combination of generator functions and the underlying PHP engine’s internal mechanisms.

At a core level, when we define a generator function, PHP internally creates an object that implements the Iterator interface. This object maintains the state of the generator function, including variables and the current execution position.

Each time the generator function is called, PHP resumes execution from the last yielded value, rather than starting from the beginning.

Behind the scenes, PHP generators utilize a concept called stackless or resumable execution. This means that the state of the generator function, including local variables and execution context, is preserved between calls. When a generator function yields a value, PHP suspends execution and returns control to the caller.

Later, when the generator function is called again, PHP resumes execution from the point where it left off, using the preserved state to continue processing.

At the bytecode level, PHP generators are implemented using a combination of opcodes and a special generator object structure. When a generator function is called, PHP compiles the function’s bytecode and creates an instance of the generator object. This object contains information about the generator function, including its bytecode and execution state.

During execution, PHP uses opcodes to manage the flow of control within the generator function. When the function yields a value, PHP stores the yielded value in the generator object and suspends execution. Later, when the generator function is called again, PHP resumes execution from the last yielded value, using the stored state to continue processing.

PHP generators leverage stackless execution and a special generator object structure to produce values on-the-fly without storing them all in memory at once.

This allows for efficient processing of large datasets and enables developers to work with potentially infinite sequences of values without worrying about memory constraints.

Understanding the inner workings of PHP generators at this core level can help developers optimize performance and build more efficient applications. 🧠💻

Let’s say we have a real-world scenario where we’re fetching a large dataset from a database.

Instead of pulling all the data at once and potentially hogging up memory, we can use a PHP generator to fetch the data in smaller chunks, processing each chunk as we go.

Here’s a simplified example:

function fetch_large_dataset() {
$chunk_size = 1000; // Fetch 1000 records at a time
$offset = 0;

while (true) {
$results = fetch_from_database($offset, $chunk_size); // Fetch data from database
if (empty($results)) {
break; // No more data, exit loop
foreach ($results as $result) {
yield $result; // Yield each result one by one
$offset += $chunk_size; // Move to the next chunk

// Usage
$generator = fetch_large_dataset();
foreach ($generator as $data) {
// Process each data point
echo $data . PHP_EOL;

Now, let’s break down what’s happening step by step:

  1. We define a function fetch_large_dataset() that will fetch data from the database in chunks.
  2. Inside the function, we have a while loop that will continue indefinitely (while (true)) until there is no more data to fetch.
  3. Within each iteration of the loop, we call fetch_from_database() to retrieve a chunk of data based on an offset and chunk size.
  4. If the result set is empty, it means we’ve reached the end of the dataset, so we break out of the loop.
  5. Otherwise, we loop through each result in the chunk using a foreach loop.
  6. Instead of returning each result immediately, we yield it. This means that each result is temporarily paused and handed off to the caller one at a time.
  7. The caller (in this case, a foreach loop) receives each yielded result and can process it as needed.
  8. After yielding all results in the current chunk, we update the offset to fetch the next chunk of data.
  9. The process continues until all data has been fetched and yielded.

So, in essence, PHP generators allow us to create an iterator that lazily generates values on-the-fly, conserving memory and improving performance, especially when dealing with large datasets.

It’s like a conveyor belt that delivers data chunks to us as we need them, rather than dumping everything on our plate at once. 🚚💨

Imagine we’re building a web crawler that needs to fetch and process a large number of URLs from a list. Instead of loading all the URLs into memory at once, which could cause performance issues, we’ll use a PHP generator to fetch and process the URLs in smaller batches.

Here’s how we can implement this:

function fetch_urls_from_list($url_list) {
$batch_size = 5; // Fetch 5 URLs at a time
$index = 0;

while ($index < count($url_list)) {
$batch = array_slice($url_list, $index, $batch_size); // Get a batch of URLs
foreach ($batch as $url) {
yield $url; // Yield each URL one by one
$index += $batch_size; // Move to the next batch

// Usage
$url_list = [
// Add more URLs as needed...

$url_generator = fetch_urls_from_list($url_list);
foreach ($url_generator as $url) {
// Process each URL
echo "Processing URL: $url" . PHP_EOL;

Now, let’s break down what’s happening in this example:

  1. fetch_urls_from_list Function: This function takes an array of URLs as input and yields each URL one by one in manageable batches. It sets the batch size to 5 URLs per batch and initializes the index to 0.
  2. While Loop: Inside the loop, we iterate over the URL list in batches. We use array_slice() to extract a batch of URLs from the list based on the current index and batch size. If the index exceeds the length of the URL list, the loop exits.
  3. foreach Loop and Yield: For each batch of URLs, we loop through them using a foreach loop. Instead of returning each URL immediately, we yield it. This means that each URL is temporarily paused and handed off to the caller (in this case, the foreach loop in the usage section) one at a time.
  4. Index Update: After yielding all URLs in the current batch, we update the index to move to the next batch.
  5. Usage: In the usage section, we initialize the generator by calling the fetch_urls_from_list() function with the URL list array as input. Then, we iterate over each yielded URL using a foreach loop. This allows us to process each URL as it's generated, rather than loading the entire URL list into memory at once.

By fetching and processing URLs in smaller, manageable batches using PHP generators, we can avoid memory issues and improve the efficiency of our web crawler.

This approach ensures that our crawler remains responsive and capable of handling large lists of URLs without bogging down the system. 🕷️🌐

PHP generators are a powerful feature that allows developers to efficiently process large datasets and create iterable sequences of values without loading everything into memory at once.

While many developers may grasp the basics of generators, understanding their inner workings at a deeper level can lead to more efficient code and better performance.

By leveraging stackless execution and a specialized generator object structure, PHP generators enable developers to work with potentially infinite sequences of values without worrying about memory constraints.

This core-level understanding empowers developers to optimize performance, build more efficient applications, and tackle complex problems with confidence.

So, next time you’re faced with a task that involves processing large datasets or working with iterable sequences, consider harnessing the power of PHP generators to streamline your code and improve performance.

With a solid understanding of how generators work under the hood, you’ll be equipped to take your PHP skills to the next level and tackle even the most challenging coding tasks with ease. 🚀💡

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